Let me be clear. I have really good health insurance, provided through my retirement from the City and County of San Francisco. In May of next year I turn 65 and Medicare becomes my primary health insurance. Even with my
Category: Politics
Robert Reich Explains the 10 Steps for Impeachment
In case you were wondering . . .
Did Jr. Really Get No Information During the Russian Meeting as He Claimed?
In one of the four versions of his meeting with the Russian attorney which were offered by Junior, according to the Washington Post and others, he stated : “After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that
Trump’s Russia Connections: Death by a thousand cuts.
Every day, it seems, Russia and that government’s connections to the White House, the president, to members of his staff, campaign, and now his oldest son who knowingly took a meeting with an attorney representing the Kremlin to gather damaging information
Happy (?) 4th of July!
This year, perhaps more than any other in past memory, I have to wonder exactly what there is to celebrate on this Independence Day. There is a tyrant in the White House and a Congress, both House and Senate, who
What’s All the Fuss? It Was Just a Joke!! Seriously?
Today I’m not really sure where to start. I am appalled. I am disgusted. I am ashamed to be a citizen of the United States, and over-archingly, I am ashamed of the politicians who have been elected to lead our
Is it Time for Pelosi to Step Down as Minority Leader?
After four consecutive special election losses since the 2016 election in which the Republican candidates have demonized Democratic House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, claiming that the Democratic candidates in those races would merely be acting as her puppets, many in
Trump: “Comey is a leaker!” But is he? What constitutes a “leak”?
In an article in the New York Times on June 9, 2017, reporter Charlie Savage leads us on a path to help us understand just what — and what is not — a “leak,” and was James Comey’s disclosure of
While Intelligence Officials Fiddle, Comey Adds Fuel to the Fire.
On Wednesday, June 7, the Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing into the ongoing probe into allegations that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election and whether there was collusion between the Russian Government and the Trump campaign. Before the
Over 8 years’ time, W made the U.S. a laughingstock in Europe. Trump did it in 132 days. #promiseskept